F The Funnel — How Marketing Loops Will Turn Leads Into Lifelong Loyalists

October 26
11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET
Jeff Pedowitz
The Pedowitz Group

Marketers don’t get any respect. At the heart of this issue is the fact that marketers are still dependent on the lead generation funnel. Funnels contort our businesses into inorganic, inaccessible, project-based activities that are not focused on revenue.

It’s time to break away from the shackles of the traditional funnel and start generating real revenue through customer connections.

In this workshop, we’ll discuss how you can F$%# the funnel and start focusing on the customer for true revenue impact. We’ll cover:

1. How customers and companies interact today, and why it’s not working;

2. Why the traditional funnel no longer works to generate revenue;

3. How to tailor a new loop model to get, keep and grow customers; and

4. How to operationalize this new loop in customer engagement, lead management and lead scoring.

Attendees of this workshop will receive a set of tools and templates that will enable them to implement this new loop model for their organization.