Tim Riesterer: “It’s Not A Buying Journey; It’s A Deciding Journey”

Attendees of the inaugural B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange were treated to a lively keynote address from author and Corporate Visions’ Chief Strategy Officer Tim Riesterer, who discussed how to effectively create messages for both existing customers and prospects. 

Sixty-two percent of the market we work with provides the same messaging in campaigns to new logos as they do to customers,” Riesterer said. “And our research – spoiler alert – identifies that it has the exact opposite of intended effect.” 

A one-size-fits all to marketing has never been ideal. And as we learn more about ICPs, buyer personas and the impact of personalization, it has become even more clear that a general marketing message isn’t going to cut through the noise to engage neither existing customers nor prospects. 

“The psychology of your buyer is 180 degrees different than if they’re an existing customer versus a prospect,” said Riesterer. “Yet, our messaging often takes the same tone.” 

Check out Riesterer’s full session on demand now to learn: 

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