B2B Digital Advertising 2020: COVID-19’s Impact On Ad Spending And Best Practices

October 27
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm ET
Jillian Ryan
Jillian Ryan

While many B2B companies have reduced their overall marketing spend because of the coronavirus pandemic, digital advertising has surged and is being tested as a channel that can recoup losses from cancelled in-person events.

Join this virtual presentation to learn how the U.S. B2B digital ad market has fared during the economic pressures of the pandemic and how your business should pivot.

Topics covered will include:

  • eMarketer’s proprietary forecast for U.S. B2B digital advertising with in-depth analysis of the trends influencing spending;
  • An overview of which channels and formats B2B organizations are relying on;
  • A look at which B2B industries are growing their ad spend allocation, while others shrink; and
  • Best practices for harnessing digital advertising as part of a larger account-based marketing strategy.