How To Turn Your Best Customers Into Your Best Marketers

One of the positive outcomes of 2020 was that companies pivoted their focus to their existing clients. After all, without clients there is no business. 

Want to take some pressure off your sales and marketing teams and let your best customers become your best marketers? In this fun and engaging keynote replay from #B2BMX, customer experience coach and former B2B/B2C marketing executive Dan Gingiss shares how client experience can be your company’s ultimate competitive advantage as well as provide new and credible marketing opportunities.  

"You — whether you like it or not — are being compared to the best consumer experience that your buyers have had," Dan said. "B2B isn't as different as we want to think it is."

Check out the B2BMX Podcast to hear Dan share actionable steps to listen to and apply customer feedback while growing your marketing team with volunteer marketers. You’ll learn how to:

  • Apply an easy, five-step framework for creating remarkable, shareable experiences and converting clients into marketing advocates;   
  • Reduce churn and increase customer lifetime value;   
  • Talk about client experience in your marketing; and   
  • Leverage examples from other successful companies across industries.   

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