That’s A Wrap On #B2BSMX 2023!

After three jam-packed days in Boston, the 2023 B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange has come to a close. One bustling Marketplace, more than 50 sessions and an inspiring awards ceremony later, and we’re still buzzing from the experience! This year, we set out to uncover the new revenue formula for success with help from speakers from […]
#B2BSMX Sessions We Can’t Wait To Attend

We’re less than a week away from the 5th annual B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange (#B2BSMX) event, which is taking place at the Encore Boston Harbor! This year’s event is all about helping marketers and sales professionals develop a new revenue formula that brings more relevance and value to the modern buyer’s journey. If you’re […]
We’re Shipping Up To Boston! Join Us In-Person This Summer At #B2BSMX

Sound the alarms, pop the champagne and pack your bags, because for the first time in 18 months, we are thrilled to invite the B2B sales and marketing community to meet in-person for a LIVE event in Boston! The third annual B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange, taking place August 9-11, will be a true celebration of the resilience of our industry. As […]
Brand’s New Role In B2B Marketing

As B2B organizations rewrite their marketing playbooks, many are doubling down on brand. While some believe that requires getting into the core of the business and revisiting brand values and mission statements, others believe brand merely reflects how tactics are deployed through voice, tone/style and creative guidelines. A company’s brand encompasses everything from Zoom backgrounds […]
Top 10 Tweets From #B2BSMX 2020

The 2nd annual B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange — which took place late last month — was different than any other event the #B2BMX team has ever put on. 100% virtual, the event featured 50+ sessions and aimed to create an engaging experience for attendees. Below you’ll find some of our favorite tweets from the event. Attendees Receive Their […]
The Story Behind #B2BSMX’s Pivot To Digital

If you told us in February our second annual B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange would be 100% virtual, we’d probably do a spit take. To say the least, this year has been unpredictable, so when we realized an in-person #B2BSMX wouldn’t be possible, it was all hands on deck. As many of you know, converting to digital is not a copy-and-paste scenario. It’s up to the content, marketing and customer […]
Inside The Virtual Event Preferences Of The 2020 Marketer

There’s no playbook for putting on a virtual event during a pandemic. There is no past data to refer to, no best practices to implement and no way to know what works and what doesn’t. While that presents some challenges for event marketers, it also opens up a world of opportunity to try new things, take some […]
Jeff Davis On Building A Cohesive Revenue Engine

Marketing and sales alignment is absolutely critical in the age of the buyer — no surprise there. But achieving and maintaining a strong level of collaboration and alignment is easier said than done, especially at a time when buyers have taken control of their purchasing journeys. During this episode of the B2BMX Podcast, host Klaudia Tirico chats with Jeff […]
Mixing Mindfulness & Business

If ever there was a time for us to be more empathetic and understanding of each other, it’s now. We’ve all been feeling a lot of stress during the pandemic. From trying to juggle work and our personal lives, staying safe and healthy and remaining informed during a volatile election cycle, we’re all tired. Emotional […]
Jay Acunzo On Waking Up From Your Digital Daze

Jay Acunzo — podcast host, author, speaker and founder of Marketing Showrunners — has been a friend of the B2B Marketing Exchange team for years now. He’s experienced his fair share of virtual experiences, so when we began curating the agenda for the 2020 B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange Online Experience, we knew we had to call up Jay to participate. Ahead of […]
New Dates. New Experience. Join Us For The 2020 Online Event!

For nearly a decade, the B2B Marketing Exchange team has been proud to produce unique and intimate events designed with the modern B2B marketer in mind. While we won’t be able to meet up in person again this year, we are thrilled to announce we’re tapping into our digital roots and going virtual for #B2BSMX on October […]
Hacks For Getting More Value Out Of LinkedIn

Because of COVID-19, our time online has skyrocketed in both our personal and professional lives. Zoom meetings and virtual hangouts with family and friends occupy our nights. And rather than going to networking events and conferences to build new business relationships, our days are spent on virtual round tables and cocktail hours and, of course, social media. LinkedIn has become an integral platform for […]
Season 3 Premiere: Benjamin Shapiro On Bringing Humanity Back To B2B

Season 3 of the B2BMX Podcast is finally here! After a few weeks off, we’re back, refreshed and ready to tackle more of the marketing topics you love! This season will be especially exciting, as we’re gearing up for the virtual B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange, taking place October 26-28. Throughout this season, we’ll preview some of the most anticipated #B2BSMX sessions, […]
Tamsen Webster On The Power Of Authentic Messaging During Hard Times

The last time the B2BMX team caught up with Tamsen Webster was at the 2020 B2B Marketing Exchange in February, just weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak forced us to quarantine, work from home and of course, cancel events. During the show, Tamsen delivered an energetic keynote address about building messages people say “yes” to. Though the marketing world (and the rest of the […]
B2BMX Podcast: Highlights From Season 2

We certainly didn’t plan on launching Season 2 of the B2BMX Podcast during a global pandemic, but then again, who could’ve predicted the events of the past few months? During this season, we re-lived some of our best sessions from the 2020 B2B Marketing Exchange and had a ton of follow-up conversations with experts to discuss how the trends […]
New Opportunities Arise In Marketing Measurement & Attribution

While measuring and tracking marketing is an ever-present goal for marketers, the reality is most B2B brands are still struggling with their attribution capabilities. New benchmark research from Demand Gen Report revealed that a majority of marketers (40%) believe their ability to measure and analyze marketing performance and impact needs improvement. When COVID-19 hit, B2B organizations had to cancel events and quickly pivot […]
ABM: Authentic, Brave Marketing For The Modern B2B Organization

ABM has moved far passed the hype, solidifying itself as an essential go-to-market strategy for the modern marketer. However, new realities are causing marketers to reconsider their current ABM initiatives due to tighter budgets and the need to do more with less in new circumstances and environments. In her role as an ABM consultant, Sydney Switzer helps Vertex Marketing Agency clients get their programs off […]
Using Real-Time Messaging To Boost Engagement & Revenue

Let’s face the truth: Tons of your website visitors leave your site or platform without doing a thing. So, how can you make sure you’re taking advantage of every opportunity to engage with high-value users and prospects when they’re on your site? Messaging has emerged as an effective way to give buyers the power to control their journey and arm sales and […]
Building The Marketing Teams Of Tomorrow

In addition to shaking up our personal lives, the novel coronavirus has turned some careers, and even businesses, upside down. While some companies have implemented hiring freezes, others have been forced to fill employment gaps with hiring surges. Those interested in pursuing new opportunities are left scratching their head, unsure of how to navigate the job market in this shaky climate. During […]
Performative Allyship, Pandering & How Not To Market In 2020

2020 has been an interesting year for marketers to navigate. As natural disasters, a global pandemic and civil unrest dominate the headlines, marketers at both B2B and B2C brands are feeling a new sense of pressure regarding how they respond. What should they say? When should they say it? Should they say anything at all? Historically, taking a stand on political and […]